Airtech BSC settled in Korea National Cancer Research Center
- Categories:Company
- Time of issue:2018-05-24
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Airtech BSC settled in Korea National Cancer Research Center
(Summary description)Recently,SuzhouAntaiAirtechBiosafetyCabinetsettledintheNationalCancerResearchCenterofKoreaandpassedthetesting.TheuserhighlyrecognizedourBiosafetyCabinetuniqueappearance,excellentqualityandprofessional
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- Time of issue:2018-05-24
- Views:0
Recently, Suzhou Antai Airtech Biosafety Cabinet settled in the National Cancer Research Center of Korea and passed the testing. The user highly recognized our Biosafety Cabinet unique appearance, excellent quality and professional of after-sales engineers service skills.
Established in 2000, Korea National Cancer Center is the center of cancer research and treatment in East Asia and one of the five largest cancer specialist centers in the world. The center’s goal is to be “the world best cancer center”. The concept of the center is "to achieve the goal of national victory over cancer by representing the latest cancer research, the most sophisticated cancer medical team, super-class cancer experts and efficient national cancer management industry support, and thus representing Asia for humans to overcome cancer difficulties contribution" The center is currently equipped with advanced medical equipment such as Tomo Therapeutic Machine, 21EX, 2100CD, HDR, CT Simulator, Simulator, and Planning, representing the latest achievements in the world of cancer treatment.
The biosafety cabinet provided for the center is completely researched and manufactured by Suzhou Antai Airtech. It has passed the certification of the National Sanitation Foundation and obtained the NSF certificated in August 2016.
By this chance, Suzhou Antai Airtech Antai will enhance its product technology innovation capability and manufacturing level. Committed to making a contribution to the health of human beings!
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